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Attendance & Behaviour

At St George’s we believe that positive relationships are at the heart of a healthy, happy and effective learning environment.

High levels of school attendance are also significant to raising standards in education and ensuring all pupils can fulfil their potential.


In order to ensure that children reach their true potential, good attendance is essential. Whenever possible, your child should be in school and on time to maximise learning time.

High levels of school attendance are significant to raising standards in education and ensuring all pupils can fulfil their potential. It is an assumption so widely understood but insufficiently stated that children and young people need to attend school regularly to benefit from their education. Missing out on lessons leaves pupils vulnerable to falling behind and achieving less in both primary and secondary school.

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St Cuthbert’s Roman Catholic Academy Trust expects all pupils, at any one time throughout the school year, to be attaining at least 97% attendance. This equates to no more than 5 days (10 sessions) absence within the school year. This requirement is in accordance with Ofsted guidance which rates attendance as follows:

Percentage Definition

Positive Behaviour Policy

Our St George’s family nurtures a culture of Christian love and respect for each other and the world around us. By providing creative experiences and challenge for all learners, children grow in resilience, learn to persevere, develop belief in themselves and build hopes and dreams for their future.

At St Georges we will continuously strive to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and dignity. Each person will be given fair and equal opportunities to develop their full potential. The school will actively promote equality and foster positive attitudes and commitment to an education for equality.

Our Behaviour Blueprint

Rules Visible Consistencies Over & Above Recognition
Be Responsible Kind interactions Golden awards
Be Respectful Calm voice, positive body language and face Lunchtime awards
Be Safe All adults addressing behaviour Wellbeing awards
Simple and clear expectations reflected in all conversations about behaviour Phone calls home
Positive postcards
Relentless Rountines
All children are greeted warmly and positively in the morning by the staff.
Team Stop – Silent stop signal is used to gain children’s attention.
Calm walking around school.
Silent & smart lines when moving to assembly or lessons.
Silence at the end of the school day.
Stepped Boundaries Consistent Conversations Restorative Questions
Reminder Wrapping the conversation in a rule What happened?
Warning What do you need from me to help you? What were you thinking about at the time?
Thinking time WIN – I wonder, I imagine, I notice What have your thoughts been since the incident?
Consequence- incident logged When you’re ready I’m here Who do you think has been affected by your actions? In what way were they affected?
Restorative work- make it better I care about you What do you need to do now to make things right?